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Advent is a time of waiting, preparation, and celebration. In this webinar, Amplify Media presents two new studies to help you, your small group, and your congregation prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ.
In Prepare the Way for the Lord: Advent and the Message of John the Baptist, Adam Hamilton explores the Advent themes of John’s life and ministry, and how John calls all followers of Jesus to prepare our hearts for his coming. In each of the Gospels, the story of Jesus is intertwined with that of his cousin John, the one whom the prophets foretold would come to “prepare the way of the Lord.” When we hear the message of John the Baptist, it makes us and our world ready to receive Christ.
In The Angels of Christmas: Hearing God’s Voice in Advent, Susan Robb explores the four angelic visits surrounding the birth of Jesus with Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. The reader will explore the visits and dive deep into the history of the angel Gabriel–and other angels–in the Old Testament. The Angels of Christmas uses these four angelic appearances to discuss God’s presence in history and our lives today. The messages of the angels hold meaning for listeners both then and now.
Join Adam Hamilton and Susan Robb as they converse with each other about their new studies and help us anticipate and get ready for Advent.

Adam Hamilton is senior pastor of The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, one of the fastest growing, most highly visible churches in the country. The Church Report named Hamilton’s congregation the most influential mainline church in America, and he preached at the National Prayer Service as part of the presidential inauguration festivities in 2013.
Hamilton is the best-selling and award-winning author of Prepare the Way for the Lord: Advent and the Message of John the Baptist, The Lord's Prayer: The Meaning and Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught, Words of Life: Jesus and the Promise of the Ten Commandments Today, The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem, Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas as well as The Walk, Simon Peter, Creed, Half Truths, The Call, The Way, 24 Hours That Changed the World, John, Revival, Not a Silent Night, Enough, When Christians Get It Wrong, and Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White, all published by Abingdon Press.

Susan Robb recently retired as the Senior Associate Minister at Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, where she was part of the church staff for 20 years. God’s call to ministry led her to pursue a Master of Divinity degree at the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. She graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2006 with an award in Homiletics. Susan’s area of expertise lies in writing and teaching Bible studies and exploring the idea of listening to and responding to God’s call. She is married to Ike, and they have two children, Caroline and James.
Susan Robb is the author of The Angels of Christmas: Hearing God's Voice in Advent, Seven Words: Listening to Christ from the Cross, and Called: Hearing and Responding to God's Voice, all published by Abingdon Press.