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Justice, Love, and Humility Pastoring A Divided Culture
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How Did We Get Here? Exploring the Roots of Our Division
Americans have long had a team mentality when it comes to politics, and the additional stressors in 2020 of a global pandemic, racial injustices, and cultural differences have brought the country to a crisis point. Pastors are on the frontlines of these debates and looked to for insight and hope. In this episode we untangle what brought us to this point and discuss how to move forward.
LINK TO JOIN: https://amplifymedia.com/justice-love-and-humility/how-did-we-get-here-registered https://amplifymedia.com/justice-love-and-humility/how-did-we-get-here-registered Amplify Media

Courage and Compassion:
Preaching a Prophetic Message
This year’s headlines and election season have been more divisive than most can remember. But like the ancient prophets, we must defend the powerless: “Hate evil, love good, and establish justice at the city gate” (Amos 5:15 CEB). Our panel of preachers will inspire your courage as you deliver hope during this unequaled year.
LINK TO JOIN: https://amplifymedia.com/justice-love-and-humility/courage-and-compassion-registered https://amplifymedia.com/justice-love-and-humility/courage-and-compassion-registered Amplify Media

Grace-filled Accountability:
Holding Our Communities Together
Pastors are trained to build community across many different demographics, but this year has challenged even the most experienced leader. How do we hold space for multiple viewpoints without holding space for harm? How do we hold each other accountable without becoming enemies?
LINK TO JOIN: https://amplifymedia.com/justice-love-and-humility/grace-filled-accountability-registered https://amplifymedia.com/justice-love-and-humility/grace-filled-accountability-registered Amplify Media
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