Loaves and Fishes How to Inspire More from Less in Difficult Times
In our recent survey of leaders about their concerns about the impact COVID-19 will have on their churches, “financial anxiety” caused the most concern across all churches, regardless of size or location. Pastors are worried about losing staff, not being able to afford their buildings, and not being able to support community needs.
In this webinar we’ll speak with pastors who also consult in the fields of stewardship and giving as well as fundraising professionals who can help your churches tell your story of ministry and mission.
Our panel will discuss practical and spiritual concerns, such as:
- Creating more options for giving, including secure online giving,
- Inspiring generosity during a time of strain,
- Maximizing your church’s resources in new and creative ways,
- Discovering new resources for giving, and
- Being generous with your own community.
As we all experience some amount of financial uncertainty, join our panelists as they offer new ideas and hope for securing the future.

Rev. Lisa Yebuah
Rev. Lisa Yebuah currently serves as the Lead Pastor of the Southeast Raleigh Table, an United Methodist worshipping community in Raleigh, North Carolina. She’s a ’99 graduate of Wofford College and an ’04 graduate of Duke University Divinity School.
What fuels her life in ministry is seeing people become their best selves, and in turn, seeing the world become a better and more just place. Most would describe Lisa as a glutton for joy and a lover of people. She’s a self-professed party-starter, people-watcher, biscuit-eating CrossFitter, and admits to having a slight obsession with 90’s R&B and the television show, “The Office.”

Rev. Tom Berlin
Lead Pastor, Floris United Methodist Church
Herndon, VA
Tom Berlin, a native of Winchester, Virginia, is a graduate of Virginia Tech and the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Tom serves as the Lead Pastor of Floris United Methodist Church in Herndon, Virginia, a multi-site congregation with vital mission partnerships in Northern Virginia and around the globe.
A speaker and author, his recent books include Reckless Love: Jesus’ Call to Love Our Neighbor, Restored: Finding Redemption in our Mess, and Defying Gravity: Break Free From the Culture of More. Tom serves as the Chair of the Board of Governors for Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C., and was a member of the United Methodist Church’s Commission on a Way Forward. Tom and his wife, Karen, have four daughters.
Rev. Dr. Rosario Picardo
Dean of the Chapel, United Theological Seminary
Dayton, OH
Rosario Picardo (Roz) grew up in western New York as a first-generation Sicilian-American. In 2003, he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Houghton College and in 2007 a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. He graduated with a Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary in 2014.
During his senior year of college, Roz entered the ministry as a military chaplain, serving four years in the Marine Reserves and five years in the Navy Reserves. While attending seminary, he recognized a call to serve the local church and has experience in all facets of church life. In addition to his work in the church, Roz leads a consulting group for church planters/pastors called Picardo Coaching LLC and is the author of multiple books. More recently Roz works bi-vocationally at United Theological Seminary. He serves as Director of the Seminary’s Pohly Center for Supervision and Leadership Formation, a mentor in United’s Doctor of Ministry program and an affiliate faculty member, and now as Dean of The Chapel.

Tricia Roseveare
Chief Marketing Officer, ZOOMGIVE
El Dorado Hills, CA
Tricia is the Co-Founder and CMO of ZOOMGIVE, a mobile fundraising platform helping nonprofits simplify fundraising and maximize donations with text-to-give, scan-to-give, and text-to-engage using ZOOMGIVE’s proprietary mobile technology. Given the negative impact that COVID-19 has had on fundraising due to the cancellation of live events, ZOOMGIVE has made their entire platform subscription-free for all nonprofits and churches until January 2021.
Tricia represents 25 years of experience leading global brands such as Frito-Lay, PepsiCo, Microsoft, Chandon Estates, Quaker, and more in strategy, branding, marketing, creative design, and consumer insights. For the last seven years Tricia has contributed professionally to Educational Media Foundation (K-LOVE/Air1). Formerly the Director of Marketing and Brand Communication, she is now a Corporate Strategy Advisor for the organization’s executive leadership team, consulting on strategic initiatives that maximize their opportunity to make a significant impact for the Kingdom.
Wednesday, May 13 - 2:00 PM CST






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