Church Leaders, We Heard You.
In a recent research study, you told us you’ve been working hard to adjust to the changes that came so quickly. Right now, you’re providing worship alternatives, maintaining community, and providing care to meet the growing needs of your people.
But you’re also looking at what’s next. You’re unsure how long this will last, how to stay connected and in relationship with your faith community, or what kind of impact this will have on giving.
In the middle of it all, innovation is happening at speeds we wouldn’t have thought possible just a few months ago. The church is changing, quite possibly for good.
Join us and our panels of pastors, church leaders, and subject matter experts as we not only tackle the big challenges in authentic ways, but also find great, new opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world.
We can do this - together.

"This was one of the best hours I've spent this month. It connected me, inspired me, and strengthened me to persevere. Thank you."
-Tim M.
"I was grateful for the panelists' vulnerability. It was comforting to see them being real about their own struggles in all of this and how they are coping."
-Wendy M.
"The speakers were compassionate, authentic, vulnerable. Great ideas/reminders."
-Coralee C.
"I found comfort in learning that others are going through the same emotions I am and learning ways to express my emotions in healthy ways. This webinar is a major part of my self care."
-Darrin J.

The State of the Church: You're Not Alone
After surveying more than 1,000 church leaders about the impact COVID-19 is having on their ministries and communities, we found that many are challenged in the same ways. In this first webinar, researcher Mark McPeak goes over the survey's findings with a focus on the top concerns that most leaders identified.

Digital Church:
A Practical How-To Guide
Panelists review platforms and their experiences of an authentic, digital worship experience. They also discuss how to involve those who are not digitally well connected and how to connect with the new people joining your congregation online. Practical considerations and software examples are provided.

Preaching to an
Empty Room
Homiletics teachers, pastors, and other speaking experts share their experiences of and advice for presenting well digitally while remaining authentic during worship.

Loaves and Fishes:
How to Inspire More from Less in Difficult Times
We will speak with experts in giving and fundraising, both from a church and nonprofit perspective, with an emphasis on the importance of telling your church’s story of ministry and mission as you charter the financial uncertainty this time has brought to most everyone.

Taking Self-Care Seriously
Managing Stress so You Can Care for Others
The emotional and mental fall-out from living through this sort of global crisis affects everyone, especially those on the physical and spiritual frontlines. This webinar will inspire pastors with self-care ideas relevant to this time.

Pastoral Care
During Challenges:
Spiritually Supporting Your Communities
How do our pastoral care practices change during a time of physical distancing and while serving people who may never have experienced health and financial crises of this magnitude.

The Art of Hospitality
in a Digital World
Pastors will discuss the church’s role in their communities’ well-being and what hospitality might look like in this new normal, with an emphasis on concerns around connection and communication.

There's No Going Back:
Taking Digital Practices
into the Future
Pastors and digital communicators will review what they’ve learned during this time of physical distancing, and they will discuss what has changed in virtual worship since March. What worked, what didn’t, and what is imperative for churches to continue to practice. They will also discuss ideas and recommendations for what might be next for churches as they approach a new hybrid setting of in-person and digital connections.

Homecoming: Bringing Everyone Back Together
Some of our favorite panelists from this series of webinars are back to share their vision for how churches might return to in-person community while maintaining an authentic digital space. Discussion will also include re-energizing volunteers and remaining engaged with new people who have attended online. Practical decisions about how and when to return to your physical locations will be considered along with the communal healing that must occur during and after a collective trauma like this pandemic.

Rev. Lisa Yebuah
Rev. Lisa Yebuah currently serves as the Lead Pastor of the Southeast Raleigh Table, an United Methodist worshipping community in Raleigh, North Carolina. She’s a ’99 graduate of Wofford College and an ’04 graduate of Duke University Divinity School.
What fuels her life in ministry is seeing people become their best selves, and in turn, seeing the world become a better and more just place. Most would describe Lisa as a glutton for joy and a lover of people. She’s a self-professed party-starter, people-watcher, biscuit-eating CrossFitter, and admits to having a slight obsession with 90’s R&B and the television show, “The Office.”
Featured Speakers

Tell us about a church that's innovating
Do you know a church that is innovating? From creative ways to minister to children to keeping your congregation connected while apart, we want to hear about it.
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Provide a reliable source of Christian content through a Wesleyan lens for teaching, training, and inspiration in a customizable library
Build your church’s capacity to innovate with engaging content and accessible technology.
Equip your congregation to better understand the Bible and its application
Deliver content in a way your congregation knows and appreciates
Deepen discipleship beyond the church walls
Add momentum to the Spirit-led missions you’re already pursuing