Pastoral Care During Challenges Spiritually Supporting Your Communities
In our survey of 1,000+ church leaders, six-in-ten (60.65%) said one of their most pressing roles at this time is providing care to meet the pastoral needs of their people.
Between physical distancing and the intense trauma many people are experiencing because of the impact of COVID-19, pastoral care might look very different right now. How do church leaders minister well to hurting people in this new normal?
Our panel of pastors and teachers will walk through best practices for helping people during their physical and spiritual crises and discuss how those practices might evolve specifically during this time. Spiritual care is most needed right now, even as it is becoming more challenging. The panel will share:
- Examples of what pastoral care looks like online,
- How to help when you feel overwhelmed and unprepared for the magnitude of stress this pandemic is causing,
- Differences between caring for the church community and individuals during this time,
- How to encourage and lead different forms of care between congregants themselves,
- Advice for caring for someone through extreme economic, physical, and spiritual trauma.
Join us as we discuss caring for others, asking for God’s help and employing our own inner wisdom.

Rev. Lisa Yebuah
Rev. Lisa Yebuah currently serves as the Lead Pastor of the Southeast Raleigh Table, an United Methodist worshipping community in Raleigh, North Carolina. She’s a ’99 graduate of Wofford College and an ’04 graduate of Duke University Divinity School.
What fuels her life in ministry is seeing people become their best selves, and in turn, seeing the world become a better and more just place. Most would describe Lisa as a glutton for joy and a lover of people. She’s a self-professed party-starter, people-watcher, biscuit-eating CrossFitter, and admits to having a slight obsession with 90’s R&B and the television show, “The Office.”

Bishop Kenneth L. Carder
Bishop Ken Carder is a retired Bishop of the United Methodist Church. Born in Tennessee, he graduated with honors from East Tennessee State University and Wesley Theological Seminary. In 1980 he received the Doctor of Ministry Degree from Vanderbilt Divinity School.
Ken has served churches in Gaithersburg, Maryland; Bristol, Tennessee; Abingdon, Virginia; and Knoxville and Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He has a special commitment to Wesleyan studies, dialogues between science and theology, prison ministries, racial and economic justice, and ministry with those who live in poverty.
Ken was first elected to Jurisdictional Conference in 1980. He was elected to General Conference in 1984, 1988, and 1992. He was elected to the episcopacy in 1992 while serving as pastor of Church Street Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. He served the Nashville and Mississippi Areas. Upon retiring in 2004, Ken joined the full-time faculty of Duke Divinity School as Professor of the Practice of Pastoral Formation.
Rev. Dr. Denise Massey
Dr. Denise Massey received an M.Div. in pastoral care, a Th.M. in pastoral care, and a Ph.D. in psychology of religion and pastoral care from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Prior to coming to McAfee, she was director of pastoral care and clinical pastoral education at Kindred Hospital in Louisville. She led the hospital to be accredited as a teaching site with the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education. She also provided pastoral counseling with the Pastoral Care and Counseling Center of Louisville. At McAfee, Denise advises students who are interested in chaplaincy and pastoral counseling, in addition to teaching courses in Spiritual Care, Emotional Intelligence for Ministry and Leadership, Dreams as a Resource for Spiritual Care, Spiritual Care with Addicted Persons, Spiritual Care through Coaching, and Spiritual Formation.
Denise is a certified supervisor with the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education. She is also a life coach and is a member of the International Coaching Federation. She has lectured extensively in organizations affiliated with the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education. She is a member of the Society for Pastoral Theology and Spiritual Directors International. Some of Denise’s hobbies and interests include Louisiana-style cooking and reading for fun. She enjoys finding spiritual significance in Star Trek and Harry Potter. She is married and the mother of two young adult men.

Rev. Lia McIntosh
Rev. Lia McIntosh is a gifted speaker, writer, community advocate, and ordained United Methodist elder. She is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) Certified Coach. Lia served as the Associate Director of Congregational Excellence for the United Methodist Missouri Annual Conference. In this role, Lia collaborated with and coached pastors and laity to launch new congregations and revitalize existing ones. She specializes in urban ministry and leading congregations to deeply connect with their communities. Previously, Lia also served as a pastor of four multiracial United Methodist congregations including launching Renaissance UMC and serving as its founding pastor.
Prior to answering her call to ministry, Lia served communities across the Midwest in health care marketing and specialized in leading, training, and coaching employees. She graduated from the University of Missouri with both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree, and she has a Master of Divinity from Saint Paul School of Theology. Lia is a native of St. Louis and lives with her husband and three children near Kansas City.

Thursday, May 21 – 2pm CST
The Art of Hospitality
in a Digital World
Pastors will discuss the church’s role in their communities’ well-being and what hospitality might look like in this new normal, with an emphasis on concerns around connection and communication.

Wednesday, May 27 - 2 PM CST
There's No Going Back: Taking Digital Practices into the Future
Pastors and digital communicators will review what they’ve learned during this time of physical distancing, and they will discuss what has changed in virtual worship since March. What worked, what didn’t, and what is imperative for churches to continue to practice. They will also discuss ideas and recommendations for what might be next for churches as they approach a new hybrid setting of in-person and digital connections.
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