Amplify Your Education, Training, & Experience with Amplify Webinars
Amplify Media's webinars not only keep you engaged and connected with the authors of your favorite studies, but provide continuing education and training, all on your schedule.
Fall 2024 Webinars
Spring 2024 Webinars
Join our host, Magrey deVega, in this two-part Lenten webinar series as authors Susan Robb and Tom Berlin contemplate the Old and New Testament narratives and uncover the story of God’s faithfulness and transformative power—then and now.
Join Methodist scholars, Laceye C. Warner & Ashley Boggan D., in an inspiring webinar on the unique values & commitments of the Wesleyan tradition. Journey with them into the heart of the United Methodist identity yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
No one should wrestle with doubt alone. Join Adam Hamilton in this webinar that empowers leaders to acknowledge and explore challenging questions that arise from doubt in ways that enrich the lives of the churched and unchurched year-round.
Join Michael Adam Beck & Stephanie Moore Hand for a webinar on a practical pathway for healing racial divides through community building. Explore new strategies, hear stories of transformation, & equip your congregation to be a beacon of God’s love for all.
Spiritual Growth

Social Concerns
Behind-the-Scenes & Wesleyan
What’s next for us? What does it look like for a Methodist leader (or congregation) to respond to God’s call now? Join us for this informative and challenging discussion as Will Willimon and guests Rev. Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr., Dr. Olivia Poole, and Haley Jobe explore Methodist hope and what comes next.